​VCE is the most important year in the student's education so we strive to provide all our students with the best support; in both SAC preparation and examination practice, as well as motivate them throughout their journey.


  • Accounting
  • English
  • General Mathematics
  • Further Mathematics
  • Specialist Mathematics
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics


Each session has a 2-hour duration and is dedicated to one subject. 


Our lessons are tailored individually to each student. Our lesson content is generally taught as a whole class or individually to students. Students will work independently after content has been taught and will have ample opportunity to ask the tutor questions if they have difficulty. Tutors will review any questions from homework before progressing to new content. 


Our VCE programs are strictly aligned with the current VCAA study designs and are designed to be completed by August each year in order to ensure sufficient examination practice before the End-of-Year Exams. We aim to work ahead of what students are studying at school so that there is ample time to commence exam revision in August.

Our tutors are also specialists in each of their subject fields and use a combination of the following to assist in our VCE student's learning and skill applications:

  • Clearly-presented worked examples
  • Graphs/diagrams to illustrate concepts
  • Practice SAC questions
  • Topic testing
  • Regular feedback and markings
  • Practice examination questions 
  • Implementation of an ‘error book’ whereby students record incorrect responses when completing practice exam papers
  • Class discussions
  • In English classes our tutors will work on students' school texts 


Students are encouraged to bring in their school work if they are finding it challenging. Our tutors will work at least two exercises ahead of what students are completing at school so that they gain confidence in their learning.

We also help with SAC preparation and can guide students through their school-based revision tasks or provide extra material to prepare them for upcoming SACs. 


  • Our tutors take home corrections and provide comprehensive feedback on a weekly basis
  • Detailed feedback and rewording of sentences provided in English essays
  • Weekly review of student books in mathematics to monitor quality of working out and any persistent gaps in knowledge
  • Testing at the completion of each topic
  • Thorough review of test results 
  • Resit of tests to further consolidate knowledge
  • Termly reports distributed to relay student progress at the end of each term


We place a strong emphasis on exam revision and commence in August to ensure that our VCE students have sufficient practice under timed conditions. This is also an opportunity for students to fine tune any gaps in their knowledge. 

What makes our exam revision different? 

  • In addition to previous Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCCA) examination papers, students work through an exam revision booklet containing an extensive range of examination papers. Students are exposed to more challenging questions and are better prepared for their examinations
  • Timely grading and scores provided to students on completion of practice papers
  • Tutors spend ample time reviewing exam questions and provide thorough explanations
  • Strict monitoring of error book in which students record the questions they answered incorrectly and detailed steps of how to arrive to the correct answer. This strategy has proven successful in retaining the steps of difficult questions and has been well received amongst our students