Senkou Academy fosters an environment that promotes continuous improvement and the application of skills to help students achieve their academic goals. As a community-focused centre, we keep our pricing affordable whilst maintaining quality education and supporting students in their learning journey.
Having been established for over fifteen years, we have helped students achieve academic success. Whether students are in VCE, preparing for the selective school examination or they need extra support in their school work, our dedicated tutors are always here to help.
Dedication to our students' learning and progress
- We showcase our care in helping students achieve their goals and reaching their full potential
- Our tutors are always 'on-the-go', either helping students individually or teaching concepts as a class
- Individual feedback is integrated into our lesson structure
- Our tutors complete corrections outside of tutor hours to ensure that class time is dedicated to teaching
- Our commitment to quality and progress is evident in our daily briefing sessions with our tutors. At the end of each lesson, our tutors will brief with a senior tutor. During this de-brief, senior tutors will review student work, discuss student progress and identify action items to address any issues from the lesson
Small class sizes in an engaging learning environment
- Small class sizes are guaranteed to ensure each student gets the help that they need
- Students have ample opportunity to receive one-on-one feedback from the tutor that may be missing in a school setting
- Our small class size allows for discussion of topics and interaction amongst students and tutors
Support in School Work
- Students are encouraged to bring in their school work if they are finding some topics at school challenging
- Tutors will teach at least two exercises ahead of what students are learning at school so that they gain confidence in their school work
- Tutor work will be progressively integrated back into the student's learning plan as they catch up with their school syllabus
Tests and Preparation
- We assess regularly and prepare our students for their school tests and examinations
- Additional assessment and material is provided to students to prepare for school assessments
- Diagnostic testing is conducted to determine level and to ensure the appropriate level work is provided
Focus on Application
- We focus on the application of theory and concepts to real-world problems and issues
- Problem solving and application questions are introduced from primary level. The success of our primary program is attributed to our all-rounded approach in learning the foundational concepts and applying them to solve worded problems
- Inclusion of application based questions in all topic areas and within assessments
- Tutors provide thorough explanations as a whole-class or individually to students
Feedback and Assessment
- Our tutors take pride in completing corrections and provide comprehensive feedback on a regular basis
- Our tutors complete corrections outside of tutoring hours to ensure class time is dedicated to teaching and supporting students
- Tests and assessments are conducted at the end of topics
- Termly reports are distributed to parents that relay student progress, achievements and areas of improvement
- More detailed information on feedback and assessment can be found in "Our Tutoring Programs"