Every year all Australian students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit the Numeracy Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy test. This test is designed to help parents, carers and educators to see if children are meeting important numeracy and literacy standards.

Our NAPLAN programs are individualised to help each student and can help reduce the stress that both parents and students experience in preparation for this test. Students grow in self-confidence as they gain the tips and strategies to achieve the best possible result. 

As with our Selective School/Scholarship Training Program, we have a strong focus on building content knowledge. Our tutors work on building students’ content knowledge in conjunction with practice in specific NAPLAN style questions.

YEARS 3 & 5


  • Total 4 hours per week
  • 2x two-hour sessions that focus on the numeracy and literacy components of the examination. 


Literacy Session:

  • Complete diagnostic testing to identify areas priority areas
  • Complete tutor booklets to build on content knowledge in the areas of the reading, writing and language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) sections of the test
  • Complete practice questions from prescribed books and additional material provided
Numeracy Session: 
    • Complete diagnostic testing to identify areas priority areas
    • Complete tutor booklets to build on content knowledge in specific areas
    • Complete practice questions from prescribed books and additional material provided

    YEARS 7 & 9


    • Total 4 hours per week
    • 2x two-hour sessions that focus on the numeracy and literacy components of the examination. 


    Literacy Session:

    • Complete diagnostic testing to identify areas priority areas
    • Complete lessons from the English Resource Handbook to build on content knowledge in the areas of the reading, writing and language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) areas of the test
    • Timed practice in creative and persuasive writing
    • Complete practice questions from prescribed books and additional material provided
    Numeracy Session: 
      • Complete diagnostic testing to identify areas priority areas
      • Complete worksheets to build on content knowledge
      • Complete topic tests on completion of topic
      • Complete practice questions from prescribed books and additional material provided


      • Completion of diagnostic testing and review of results
      • Weekly corrections of primary English and mathematics booklets
      • Ongoing review of student workbook to monitor quality of working out in mathematics lessons
      • In-class timed assessments in English and mathematics including the completion of topic tests and review of corrections
      • Weekly grading of essays and English Resource Handbook lesson work
      • Completion of practice test questions under timed conditions
      • Termly reports are distributed to relay student progress